Infiltration SuDS Map: Sample
A suitability assessment for the installation of infiltration SuDS
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The Infiltration SuDS Map subscription web service allows access to the Infiltration SuDS Map: Detailed for the whole of Great Britain. This viewer provides a sample of the data in the Edinburgh area to demonstrate the functionality of the service.

Move around the map by left-clicking and dragging the mouse in the direction you wish to travel. To zoom in or out of the map, use the slider on the top left of the map. Alternatively, you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the map. Holding the Shift key and dragging a rectangle allows you to zoom in to that extent.

To zoom to a known location (e.g. a postcode or town), click ‘Go to location’ at the top left of the map, enter your location of interest and click on the 'Go' button. If only one result is returned, the map will automatically zoom to that location. Otherwise, select the location you require from the list presented.

View SuDS Map layers

The 24 SuDS map layers are divided into four data categories (Infiltration constraints, Drainage, Ground stability and Groundwater protection). Use the 'Data categories' window on the top right of the map to select one of these catagories. Once a category is selected the 'Component data layers' window will be populated with the summary map for that data category along with the component layers that were used in the derivation of the summary map. The component layers allow you to determine the basis for the score in the summary layer.

To view a summary or component layer click on the circular button next to the layer name. If the button is disabled and the layer name is greyed out, you will need to zoom in to be able to switch on the layer (all layers are visible at scales below 1:100,000).

Clicking on the layer name will provide a brief description of that layer.

Query the currently visible SuDS Map layer

Left-clicking on the map when one of the SuDS Map layers is visible will open a window providing results at that location. The results window is made up of two views. To switch between views use the radio buttons at the top of the window. The 'Current Layer' view provides full details of the currently visible layer at that location. The second 'All Layers' view provides brief details of all 24 SuDS Map layers at that location. At the bottom of the 'All Layers' view are two buttons allowing you to export the results to either a CSV or PDF file.

SuDS Map transparency

To change the transparency of the SuDS Map, click on the 'Transparency' button. A slider will allow you to select the required level of transparency.

View a key

A key for the currently visible layer is shown on the top left of the map.

User guide for the Infiltration SuDS Map

For more information on the Infiltration SuDS Map see the user guide

For further help Email BGS