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Geology DiGMapGB-50 Linear features DiGMapGB-50 Mass movement deposits DiGMapGB-50 Artificial ground DiGMapGB-50 Superficial deposits DiGMapGB-50 Bedrock geology DiGMapGB-625 Faults DiGMapGB-625 Dykes DiGMapGB-625 Superficial deposits DiGMapGB-625 Bedrock geology The soil-parent material (PM) database is part of a series of GIS maps designed to help environmental scientists and consultants assess the characteristics of the ‘near-surface’ weathered zone (1:50,000 scale) The soil-parent material (PM) database is part of a series of GIS maps designed to help environmental scientists and consultants assess the characteristics of the ‘near-surface’ weathered zone (1km resolution version) Boreholes Records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and ground investigation work. Includes scans of paper records and digital records (including AGS). Please note, present day public abstraction boreholes are not displayed in Geoindex. Downhole geotechnical and geo-environmental data that has been donated to BGS in the standardised AGS file format and is open data. Boreholes Other Opencast coal prospecting sites dating from the 1940s to date Subset of the borehole records dataset showing water wells. Please note, present day public abstraction boreholes are not displayed in Geoindex This is an index of site reports covering a wide range of drilling and site investigation work Collection of drillcore, bulk specimens, unwashed cuttings and processed material from onshore boreholes drilled in UK by BGS, commercial and public bodies This is the collection of registered samples of drillcore and washed cuttings from onshore boreholes drilled in UK by BGS, commercial and public bodies Measurements of the properties of rocks by instruments lowered down a borehole Sites where regularly monitored rest water level data are available Sites with data available on transmissivity, storativity and discharge/drawdown 17,500 borehole rock samples (drillcore) from the MRP and related studies Data from onshore wells provided to BGS as part of an agreement with NSTA. Digital data (includes, well logs, well reports and downhole data) for oil and gas exploration and appraisal wells drilled in the UK and held on behalf of the North Sea Transitory Authority (NSTA), formerly the OGA and DECC, provided by oil companies as part of their obligations under licensing regulations, PON9b. External data therefore BGS has no control on quality. Deposited Data Detailed accessions information about data deposited to BGS/NGDC (2014 – onwards) Detailed accessions information about data deposited to BGS/NGDC (2014 – onwards) Core sample analysis data produced from sampling activities of core held on behalf of the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) at the National Geological Repository (NGR). Data is provided as received. Collections Localities where samples that form part of the BGS rock collections have been taken Collections of drillcore, cuttings, and bulk, individual and processed samples of drillcore from UK onshore boreholes Excess sample materials from the GBASE geochemistry project:- stream sediments, panned heavy mineral concentrates and soils are stored long term in the National Geoscience Data Centre and are available for use in other projects Localities for which details of identified fossil specimens in the BGS Biostratigraphy Museum are databased Localities of significant fossil samples, either collected by BGS Staff, or donated by individuals and institutions Hazards Earthquakes from 1970 to date Pre 1970 Earthquakes BGS seismic stations linking to real-time seismograms Seismic hazard map: spectral acceleration (SA) at 0.2s on rock for a 95 year return period Seismic hazard map: spectral acceleration (SA) at 0.2s on rock for a 475 year return period Seismic hazard map: spectral acceleration (SA) at 0.2s on rock for a 1100 year return period Seismic hazard map: spectral acceleration (SA) at 0.2s on rock for a 2475 year return period Seismic hazard map: spectral acceleration (SA) at 1.0s on rock for a 95 year return period Seismic hazard map: spectral acceleration (SA) at 1.0s on rock for a 475 year return period Seismic hazard map: spectral acceleration (SA) at 1.0s on rock for a 1100 year return period Seismic hazard map: spectral acceleration (SA) at 1.0s on rock for a 2475 year return period Seismic hazard map: peak ground acceleration (PGA) on rock for a 95 year return period Seismic hazard map: peak ground acceleration (PGA) on rock for a 475 year return period Seismic hazard map: peak ground acceleration (PGA) on rock for a 1100 year return period Seismic hazard map: peak ground acceleration (PGA) on rock for a 2475 year return period The National Landslides Database is the definitive source of landslide information for Great Britain Indicative radon potential dataset. 1km resolution GeoClimate Change in susceptibility of Shrink-Swell due to a changing climate and the associated changes in soil moisture. Based on UKCP09 climate scenarios Change in susceptibility of Shrink-Swell due to a changing climate and the associated changes in soil moisture. Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios GeoCoast Open Percentage length of coastline at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2100s provided at Shoreline Management Plan & Local Plan Districts (Scotland) level. Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. Percentage length of coastline at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2080s provided at Shoreline Management Plan & Local Plan Districts (Scotland) level. Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. Percentage length of coastline at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2050s provided at Shoreline Management Plan & Local Plan Districts (Scotland) level. Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. Percentage length of coastline with high susceptibility (mean erosion score) provided at Shoreline Management Plan & Local Plan Districts (Scotland) level. Percentage length of coastline with high susceptibility (worst-case erosion score) provided at Shoreline Management Plan & Local Plan Districts (Scotland) level. Percentage length of coastline at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2100s provided at county-level (based on the ‘administrative units’ from OS Boundary-line data). Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. Percentage length of coastline at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2080s provided at county-level (based on the ‘administrative units’ from OS Boundary-line data). Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. Percentage length of coastline at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2050s provided at county-level (based on the ‘administrative units’ from OS Boundary-line data). Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. Percentage length of coastline with high susceptibility (mean erosion score) provided at county-level (based on the ‘administrative units’ from OS Boundary-line data). Percentage length of coastline with high susceptibility (worst-case erosion score) provided at county-level (based on the ‘administrative units’ from OS Boundary-line data). Percentage area at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2100s provided at District Administrative Unit level (based on the ‘district administrative units’ from OS Boundary-line data). Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. Percentage area at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2080s provided at District Administrative Unit level (based on the ‘district administrative units’ from OS Boundary-line data). Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. Percentage area at risk of inundation due to sea level rise by the 2050s provided at District Administrative Unit level (based on the ‘district administrative units’ from OS Boundary-line data). Based on UKCP18 climate scenarios. A coastal domain is a segment of coastline that possesses a character defined by the sum of its basic morphological characteristics (e.g. platform, barrier, estuary) and geological properties and behaviour (e.g. weak strata, resilient strata, structure). This dataset groups sections of coastline based on the susceptibility of the coastline to erosion and the presence or absence of a buffer between direct wave action and the coastline geology. A coastal domain is a segment of coastline that possesses a character defined by the sum of its basic morphological characteristics (e.g. platform, barrier, estuary) and geological properties and behaviour (e.g. weak strata, resilient strata, structure). This dataset groups sections of coastline based on the height and profile shape of the coastline. Historic records (coastal photographs, diagrams and logs from BGS archives, memoirs, sheet explanations, Regional Guides and maps) that could be used to determine historic coastal changes. Lines of cross section (geological). (from BGS archives, memoirs, and maps) that are relevant to coastal areas. Engineering Geology Urban Study Area Reports Engineering Geology Formation Study Reports 1:1M Superficial Engineering Geology 1:1M Bedrock Engineering Geology Geochemistry Top Soil data collected mainly by the Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment (G-BASE) programme Profile soil analyses are available from a number of BGS programmes, notably the Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP) and the Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment (G-BASE) programme Stream sediment samples are collected under the G-BASE programme at an average density of approximately one site per 1.5 km square Water samples have predominantly been collected by the G-BASE project at an average sampling density of one sample per 1.5 km square At most drainage sampling sites a panned heavy mineral concentrate is collected from the <2mm sediment fraction using a wooden dulang pan. For the Mineral Reconnaissance Programme these pans would be routinely analysed for mineral exploration purposes Rock samples from the land area of the United Kingdom have been analysed for a variety of major and trace elements, mainly by XRF Rock samples (drillcore) from the MRP and related studies Urban areas for which there is an urban geochemical mapping report The boundaries of the G-BASE project mapping areas which are reported as geochemical atlases Soil Geochemistry (London Earth): Lead (Pb) Soil Geochemistry (London Earth): Iron (Fe2O3) Soil Geochemistry (London Earth): Calcium (CaO) Soil Geochemistry (London Earth): Copper (Cu) Soil Geochemistry (London Earth): Nikkel (Ni) Contaminant Distribution in Soil Normal background concentrations (NBCs) for Arsenic in English soils Normal background concentrations (NBCs) for Copper in English soils Normal background concentrations (NBCs) for Lead in English soils Normal background concentrations (NBCs) for Nickel in English soils Normal background concentrations (NBCs) for Cadmium in English soils Geophysics Exploration seismic data coverage provided by the UK Onshore Geophysical Library The location and names of boreholes with digital geophysical logs acquired by the former National Coal Board and British Coal during their exploration for coal in the UK The location and line-identifiers of reflection seismic profiles acquired by the former National Coal Board and British Coal during their exploration for coal in the UK Regional gravity observations on the UK mainland, Northern Ireland, offshore islands, tidal estuaries and seabed High-resolution airborne surveys are classed as those flown with low terrain clearance (typically below 200m) and flight line spacing of less than 300m An index to regional airborne magnetic survey areas An index to regional airborne magnetic survey flight lines An index to over 600 ground geophysical surveys carried out in the UK for a variety of projects An index to over 600 ground geophysical surveys carried out in the UK for a variety of projects An index to over 600 ground geophysical surveys carried out in the UK for a variety of projects Low-resolution image produced from BGS airborne and marine magnetic data Low-resolution image produced from BGS airborne and marine magnetic data Low-resolution image produced from BGS airborne and marine magnetic data Low-resolution image produced from BGS airborne and marine gravity data Low-resolution image produced from BGS airborne and marine gravity data Low-resolution image produced from BGS airborne and marine gravity data Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Magnetic data. Derived Analytic Signal (AS) of the Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI). Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Magnetic data. Derived Total Horizontal Gradient Magnitude of the Reduced to Pole, Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) anomaly field. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Magnetic data. Derived Horizontal Gradient of the PseudoGravity of the Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) anomaly field. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Magnetic data.Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI), corrected for IGRF, to provide the TMI anomaly field. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Magnetic data. Derived PseudoGravity of the Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) anomaly field. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Magnetic data. Derived First Vertical Derivative of the Reduced to Pole, Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) anomaly field. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Magnetic data. Derived Tilt Derivative of the Reduced to Pole, Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) anomaly field. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Radiometric data. Derived Potassium to Thorium ratio. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Radiometric data. Observed Potassium ground concentrations. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Radiometric data. Ternary image obtained from the ground concentrations in Potassium (POT, %K), Thorium (THO, eTh) and Uranium (URA, eU). Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Radiometric data. Observed Thorium ground concentrations. | Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Radiometric data. Total Count in cps. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Radiometric data. Derived Uranium to Potassium ratio. Tellus South West airborne geophysics. Radiometric data. Observed Uranium ground concentrations. HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland HiRes1 Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric, VLF Survey for North Midlands of England into Welsh Borderland 3D Models An interactive layer providing subsurface geological information for major UK cities derived from 3D geological models Locations of BGS 3D geological models for which 3D data can be licenced Products The Soil Survey, Land Research Centre and the British Geological Survey were commissioned by the Environment Agency to prepare 53 groundwater vulnerability maps at 1:100,000 scale Hydrogeological Maps have been published at various scales, covering areas ranging in size from the whole of England and Wales, Northern Ireland and to Jersey Early geological mapping covering the OS Old Series one inch map sheet areas. Applies to England and Wales only These maps display Bedrock, Quaternary (Superficial deposits) geology of the offshore areas and Seabed Sediments of the UK landmass and offshore regions Areas covered by explanatory sheet Memoirs Availability of 1:50,000 scale digital geological mapping Availability of 1:50,000 scale paper geological maps Availability of 1:25,000 scale digital geological mapping Availability of 1:25,000 scale Classical areas geological maps Availability of 1:50,000 scale digital geological mapping Availability of 1:10,000 scale paper geological maps Maps produced on OS County Series sheets between approximately 1860 and 1960 These reports are a sub set of the BGS Report Series. They describe the local geology and are designed to be read in conjunction with their complementary map or maps Photographs Map based index to National Archive of Geological Photographs (GeoScenic) Hydrogeology The 1:625 000 scale hydrogeological data may be used as a guide to the aquifers at a regional or national level Hydrogeology Wales The groundwater vulnerability maps have been created by the Environment Agency (EA) and Natural Resource Wales (NRW) using data from the BGS, the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the National Soil Resources Institute. The maps provide an assessment of the vulnerability of groundwater to a pollutant discharged at ground level based on the hydrological, geological, hydrogeological and soil properties within a one kilometre square grid The groundwater vulnerability maps have been created by the Environment Agency (EA) and Natural Resource Wales (NRW) using data from the BGS, the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the National Soil Resources Institute. The maps provide an assessment of the vulnerability of groundwater to a pollutant discharged at ground level based on the hydrological, geological, hydrogeological and soil properties within a one kilometre square grid The aquifer designation dataset has been created by the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales and British Geological Survey, and identifies the different aquifers of England and Wales. The aquifer designation dataset has been created by the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales and British Geological Survey, and identifies the different aquifers of England and Wales. Minerals Within England and Wales, a Mineral Planning Authority (MPA) is responsible for planning control over mineral working in its area The Mineral Occurrences Database (MOD) aims to hold index level information on significant mineral occurrences in the UK including locations of known mines, mineral showings and localities, including sites where minerals of economic interest have been identified in panned concentrates Planning permissions for the extraction of minerals, irrespective of their current planning or operational status, collected from local authorities between the years of 1997 and 2007. Data is incomplete. Current data only available via local authorities. Planning permissions for the extraction of minerals, irrespective of their current planning or operational status, collected from local authorities between the years of 1997 and 2007. Data is incomplete. Current data only available via local authorities (Point dataset) Areas of extracted opencast coal The location and name of mineral workings Location of historic Building Stone Quarries (Wales & Scotland) Location of hydrocarbon wells Extent of the onshore oil and gas licence areas, derived from DECC Extent of the onshore oil and gas licence areas, derived from DECC (Points) Coal Authority Coal Licence Areas Coal Authority Coal Licence Areas (Points) Between 1972 and 1984, the (then) Department of Trade and Industry provided financial assistance to industry for mineral exploration for non-ferrous metals, fluorspar, barium minerals and potash in Great Britain through the Mineral Exploration and Investment Grants Act 1972 The MRP was funded by the (then) Department of Trade and Industry between 1973 and 1997 to provide baseline geological, geochemical, geophysical and metallogenic information on potentially prospective areas in Great Britain that would encourage private-sector investment Vein Minerals information Metallic minerals in Wales In 1968 the British Geological Survey set up the Mineral Assessment Unit (later the Industrial Minerals Assessment Unit) to undertake resource assessments in selected parts of the country The most southern geographic extent of ice coverage during the Anglian Glaciation (430,000 to 480,000 years before present) as it crosses the region Mineral resources: Chalk Mineral resources: Brick Clay Mineral resources: Peat Mineral resources: Fireclay Mineral resources: Igneous Rock Mineral resources: Limestone Mineral resources: Sandstone Mineral resources: Silica Sand Mineral resources: Potash Mineral resources: Gypsum Mineral resources: Salt Mineral resources: Polyhalite Mineral resources: Ball Clay Mineral resources: Kaolin Mineral resources: Fuller's Earth Mineral resources: Slate Mineral resources: Slate Waste Mineral resources: Base of Coal Measures contours Mineral resources: Shallow Coal Mineral resources: Coal 2m thick 600m to 1200m depth Mineral resources: Deep Coal Mineral resources: Superficial Sand and Gravel Mineral resources: Bedrock Sand and Gravel Mineral resources: Oil Shale Mineral resources: Building Stone Non-coal mining plans Mine plan extents. Please note; for some of the plans, we only hold details for the county which means the extent will be mapped to the county boundaries rather than the exact extent of the plan. Counties (including ceremonial) Counties (metropolitan areas) Quaternary Domains Geological Cross Sections Glacial Limits Quaternary Domains Descriptors GeoScour Open Tier 1 GeoScour open dataset which identifies and describes the relative catchment-scale characteristics in terms of landscape evolution, sediment availability and typical response in flood conditions Tier 2 GeoScour open dataset at subcatchment level (urban coverage). The Catchment Urban Coverage dataset is a polygon shapefile that describes the number, area and coverage percentage of small and large urban areas per catchment using the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Management Catchments Cycle 2 Tier 2 GeoScour open dataset at subcatchment level (designated sites). The Catchment Designated Sites dataset is a polygon shapefile that describes the number, area and coverage percentage of designated (or protected) sites per catchment using the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Management Catchments Cycle 2 for England, Wales and Scotland, respectively. Tier 2 GeoScour open dataset at subcatchment level (flood accommodation). The Catchment Flood Accommodation dataset is designed to provide an estimate of the amount of flood space potential available within the catchment area both as a percentage and area. These are calculated according to topography and do not take into account any flood defences or artificial flood constructions. Tier 2 GeoScour open dataset at subcatchment level (geological runoff potential). The Catchment Geological Run-off Potential dataset provides a summary representation of the propensity for surface water to drain into local watercourses based on the overall geological properties, and permeability of deposits, of the surface geology by catchment. Tier 2 GeoScour open dataset at subcatchment level (morphology). The Catchment Morphology data describes the dominant catchment morphology type. Tier 2 GeoScour open dataset at subcatchment level (average-case geological susceptibility). The Catchment Geological Susceptibility dataset calculates the length of river within each catchment for each scour susceptibility class based on average-case susceptibility scoring. The dominant class is also provided as a separate attribute. Tier 2 GeoScour open dataset at subcatchment level (best-case geological susceptibility). The Catchment Geological Susceptibility dataset calculates the length of river within each catchment for each scour susceptibility class based on best-case susceptibility scoring. The dominant class is also provided as a separate attribute. Tier 2 GeoScour open dataset at subcatchment level (worst-case geological susceptibility). The Catchment Geological Susceptibility dataset calculates the length of river within each catchment for each scour susceptibility class based on worst-case susceptibility scoring. The dominant class is also provided as a separate attribute. Buried Valleys Locations, as centerlines where BGS historic survey activities and other published work has identified buried valleys onshore in Great Britain. Locations, as margin polygons, where BGS historic survey activities and other published work has identified buried valleys onshore in Great Britain. Modelled thickness of buried valleys polygon layer created using an expert led semi-automated method to identify areas of significant (>20 m) superficial thickening based on our current onshore borehole dataset. Raster layer representing areas with not enough boreholes to identify buried valleys. Environmental Designations England Defined in accordance with the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 as structures, excavations or sites of national archaeological importance Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance, especially as habitats for wildfowl, under the Ramsar Convention, Iran, 2nd February 1991 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive (European Directive 92/43/EEC) and provides measures to conserve natural habitats and associated fauna and flora Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are strictly protected sites designated to conserve wild birds, their eggs and habitats Site of Special Scientific Interest designated by Natural England in accordance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 so as to conserve areas of special interest for their flora, fauna, geological or geomorphological interest Sites of Special Scientific Interest that are considered to be of national importance and which are managed by way of a legal agreement as a nature reserve may be designated in accordance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981as National Nature Reserves National Parks are designated under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Designated under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 for the purposes of preserving and enhancing their natural beauty Surface DTM from Ordnance Survey OpenData Terrain 50 dataset Hillshade derived from Ordnance Survey OpenData Terrain 50 dataset Slope derived from Ordnance Survey OpenData Terrain 50 dataset Aspect derived from Ordnance Survey OpenData Terrain 50 dataset Curvature (slope of the slope) derived from Ordnance Survey OpenData Terrain 50 dataset Plan Curvature (curvature perpendicular to the maximum slope) derived from Ordnance Survey OpenData Terrain 50 dataset Profile Curvature (curvature in the direction of the maximum slope) derived from Ordnance Survey OpenData Terrain 50 dataset |